Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To finally give in to my friends and family members that have been practically BEGGING me to blog... (kidding)

So I am 99% sure I am just writing to myself, but either way, this could be fun. I always find myself in ridiculous and somewhat tragically humorous situations and decided after being told by several people that I should start a blog, that I would begin writing one.( I make fun of my best friend for constantly referencing apparently famous blogs in conversations, so for a while I wouldn't give in...)

At first it started as a joke when I said that a black cloud followed me...but now I have convinced myself (and many others) that it's true. I consider it an amazing day if I have only had one embarassing or incredibly strange thing happen to me. A great percentage of these events occur after a few too many glasses of wine, you think I would learn to stay clear but I am actually typing this right now with a large glass of pinot sitting next to me.

Some examples of such events that are noteworthy:
Recently I avoided hitting a cat and hit a trash barrel smashing the headlight of my brand new car, then got pulled over for said piddidle. The officer that pulled me over let me go because I was a nurse- but before doing so insulted my driving skills and the fact that it looks like I am living out of my car.
I got proposed to at 4am at a gas station by a drunk man wearing a santa suit (thought I was going to get murdered so the proposal was definitely appreciated at the time)
I fell at a bar on NYE and met a guy (who helped me up). He was really nice, so we exchanged phone numbers. I saved him in my phone as "2012 guy", and I am going on a date with him. No idea what his name is...(too much vino)

I can't finish this post without mentioning the Wonderwall plague that all my friends find hysterical. I had this boyfriend in high school (that I thought was true love at the time of course) and we broke up in college. I was naturally devastated, and couldn't listen to "our song" for months (ok, maybe years) without sobbing. It was Wonderwall by Oasis. Yeah, I think it's strange now, too. Anyways, of course I go to The Fray concert with some friends that he also attends with his new chick. They get front row seats and coincidentally "their song" is one of the fray's songs. They start to sing "their song" and transition into a random cover aka Wonderwall, the horrible song that haunts the shit out of me. If that isn't bad enough, of course they show up on the jumbotron. Life knows how to kick me when I am down. But this damn song literally followed me forever and still does to this day. Not long ago I was walking down Newbury St. in Boston and this guy was playing guitar-he was literally in the middle of a John Mayer song and as I walked by started to play Wonderwall. I wanted to take the dollar I threw in his hat back, and then punch him in the face- but instead I just reacted in a way more practical and appropriate manor and bawled my eyes out right there in public. I cannot go out anywhere to this day without the band covering this song or the DJ who plays hip hop and techno jams all night randomly throwing it in his mix. So cruel. At least I don't cry anymore...
I'm buzzed. And if anyone is actually still reading this you're probably bored. Stay tuned, I promise my life is entertaining. Or at least can be used to make you feel better about yours :)


  1. OH.MY.GOSH. You gave in! Yay!! I can't wait to hear all your crazy stories...xoxo

  2. I think your life is more interesting on vodka tonics, than on wine.......
